While I'm admittedly a hyper-reflective person who loves a good new year's intention, this year I did things a bit differently. I noticed that all of the busyness and excitement around the end-of-year holidays actually gets in the way of having the type of quiet, reflective time that I need to gain clarity about my new year's intentions. So I decided that I would take the pressure off of myself and spend the end of the year simply enjoying the present moment. Now that I'm back to my normal routine, I feel like I actually have the space to hone in on my areas of focus for 2023. I may not have had three laser-focused intentions before the ball dropped on New Year's Eve, but it was nice to relax, to connect with friends and family, and to just enjoy myself over the last few weeks. And with the holidays over, the dust has settled enough for me to actually think. Overall, I'm digging it.
If you're still a little hazy about your new year's intentions, it's not too late! I've linked a fun exercise here to help you gain clarity. I'm planning to sit down with a cup of tea this weekend and to dig in to this exercise to identify my three key words for 2023. I'll follow that up with a vision board and some journaling about actions I can take to cultivate my key words over the next twelve months. You don't have to be as “extra” about it as I am though - start by simply opening the link and seeing if it looks interesting to you. Vision boarding and journaling are totally optional next steps.
So - take a look! Have fun! Dream big! And if you need support, you know where to find me :)
Happy 2023 to all of the amazing heart-centered humans out there!